Last Person Alive

Question: Would you want to be alive if you were the last person on Earth? What’s your reasoning?

Answer: It is an interesting question.

I have seen a Scandinavian film few months ago – playing in Iceland I think – where a young American couple, traveling there as tourists – wake up one morning finding that all other people in the world disappeared without any trace. All technology remained intact – including worldwide web cameras -, and they tried contacting friends, family all over the world, but nobody remained alive but them. There is no explanation about what happened, there are no clues.

Later they find an old man giving them some hope, but he also dies a couple of hours later.

I thought the movie gave a very realistic emotional picture of how a woman and man would react in such a scenario. The woman gradually becomes depressed due to the isolation, having no friends, family around apart from her boyfriend despite very much loving him. The man is more practical, pragmatic, it seems he could imagine life with only his girlfriend with him. And he tries everything in his power to make her girlfriend happy, showing her the positive aspects of life.

But she can’t tolerate the situation, life without more people around and at the end she commits suicide. At the end of the movie the man remains alone, completely broken, sobbing, driving away from the location where he found her lifeless body. We do not get a closure about what happens next, but it seems clear that without her he also lost the will to live alone.

We are social creatures, our whole life is based on Human connections. Even with unlimited resources without live, true, emotional Human connections we become ill and eventually fade away. So as many other answers suggested I also would want to, would not be able to live as the last person on earth.

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